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8 Ways To Get a Property Tax Reduction Instead of an Increase

Posted On: January 16, 2018 | Categorized In: Blog

Your property taxes are due, and there’s another increase. What can you do? Well… quite a lot. Often, property tax has been incorrectly assessed, and when this happens, you’ve got a great chance of getting it reduced by following these easy steps. Review Your Property Tax Card Your property tax card can tell you a lot about […]


Do You Need a Property Tax Attorney or Consultant?

Posted On: January 13, 2018 | Categorized In: Blog

Property taxes for commercial, industrial and high-end residential properties are a major expense and are based on various types of tax assessments. The assessment takes into account a large number of factors, each of which is subject to interpretation. There are laws, regulations and procedures for filing tax protests and a system of appeals that […]


Benefits of Protesting Your Property Taxes

Posted On: January 10, 2018 | Categorized In: Blog

Property tax appraisals and assessments are an unending source of confusion and misinterpretation. Many commercial, industrial and high-end residential property owners assume the local government appraisers use fair and uniform methods for determining property value, and in fact, they may try to do so via computer programs that take bias out of decision-making. However, the […]


How to Protect Industrial Property Taxes from Market Fluctuations

Posted On: January 5, 2018 | Categorized In: Blog

The last decade has shown that the market can sink into a recession just as quickly as it can recover. Property owners typically feel these fluctuations more than others since everything from the stock market to revised industrial property taxes can affect real estate values. If you own industrial property, it’s unfortunately far more vulnerable […]


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